If you want to write well, start writing crappy stuffs

This is actually dedicated to me. It should be more like “I” rather than “you” but it might help you too.

I haven’t written for a long time and I realize that when I need to write something up, my writing skill is long gone and I cannot come up with anything.

I tend to make long sentences which are not lovely as well as digestible in one chunk. It might sound sophisticated but in fact, it is just a complete mess. It is not a good thing to make your reader frustrated with your complicated sentences.

My friend suggested that I write blogs again. I haven’t blogged for quite a while. The last time I blogged was 8 months ago. I have a problem with keeping focus on a single thing for long. Only focus will take me far. Otherwise, I will just be a loose cannon, which I have always been.

Skills are subliminal. We always have to keep on pushing to shine our skills. Writing skills tend to deteriorate with time if we leave as it is. In order to have something to write, we should have something on our mind too. For that to happen, we should read so that we can perceive things that we don’t experience first hand.

There is one important aspect that we have to keep in mind when we read. We have to reflect after each reading session. Reading without reflection is just scanning and accepting the texts of what the author has written. Reflections are the only ways that we can look into the thinking process of the author and fuse with ours. There are times that the reader and the author have contradictory thoughts and there are times when things lock in place and our thought are reinforced. Therefore we have to reflect every time we have read a page or a concept. Sometimes, we can reflect after reading the whole book, sometimes, after a chapter, sometimes, after a page and sometimes, after a sentence. No matter what, we have to keep in mind that we should slow down our pace whenever we feel like we have to reflect on what we have read. Never get disillusioned by the sheer number of pages or books that you can read in a week or a month. Be more aware of the thoughts that you have formed after reading. Always ask yourself how well you have improved in terms of the way you can think and how the thing that you have read has influenced your thinking.

We are more capable than we think we are. We just have to put effort to reap the fruits. For example, I could write a lot better than this but I have not put much effort in writing for quite a while and now, look how crappy this is. I have to restart everything to get back the flare I had once. I am not saying that my writing was good. It was just that I had more confidence when I was writing and my thoughts flowed better back then. But now, it is very hard to come up with a good sentence. So, I just have to write crappy stuffs like this and build back up from absolute zero.


Now read this

My Scala Days [Week 2] and [Week 3] Condensed

Most of the materials here are excerpts from vaious resources that I have come across online as well as from ebooks. Some of the sentences are described as they are. I will try to keep all the references but please excuse me if I have... Continue →