[You give this a name yourself]

Why is the value of a bean sprout a lot less than that of a diamond?

You might think that I am nuts for such a comparison or you might think that I am going to say something bat-shit insane by starting out like this or you might think that I am just trying to grab your attention by saying so. Think whatever you would like to think but that is something which we have to think very carefully.

First, let’s track back to how we get “things”. Yes, how do we get things that we are using now, seeing everyday and interacting in our environment. How do all these materials come to existence is something that we have to sit and ponder. But this is not hard for a scientist. Materials on the Earth comes from the stars when they die. When the stars reach their final days, they become big and then they explode in a very spectacular cosmic event called supernova (Well, I say it very crudely and it is such a shame. You will love it when you dig deep into it but I will just leave it like this here. Sorry, astrophysics, I failed you)

Things are made of stardust. We are made of stardust. We and things around us all are reincarnation of dead stars. Think about this. This is so beautiful. One’s death as one’s composition. This is the best romance for me.

We know very well why the values of things differ. We value things according to how much we can get or how hard we have to do something to get them. Yes, we use this kind of ruler to measure everything. We often forget the most valuable things in our life are free. They are already there and we overlook them. We often ask for things that are so materialistic and fake. We are all swayed by media and our thoughts and perceptions are all mingled in others’ voices. We have no time to give our thoughts a time. We are always overloading ourselves with information from all around us. We blanket ourselves with “things” and take refuge by basking ourselves in adulation all around us. We are happy when voices say good things and we are sad when they look down upon us. We are defining ourselves not by how our primitive mind directs us but by voices, actions and misconceptions around us. We are what the voices say we are and thus we never find our true selves. We dare not accept ourselves the way we are just because we are so afraid what the voices might say and what “others” might think. Yes, we are too afraid to stand on our own. We always want to be a part of something. So much that, we are always very willing to sacrifice our original thoughts and perceptions. Maybe, we are like this because of evolution. We may be like this since our forefathers have to fit in a particular tribe to get protection, food and other stuffs.

We value shiny stuffs. We value gold and diamond. We value things that worth millions. We crave them. We envy those who have them. We want to be like them.

Why? For what? If you love diamonds, go to Jupiter. Why? It rains diamonds! For real! But there are things that are so unique that we have to pay gazillion of Martian currency (choose planet and currency) to get one. Guess what they would be? Bean sprouts. Not bean sprouts particularly! I am talking about plants! And the very air that we are breathing. The very water that we are drinking. Those are things that we have to see as real diamonds (oh what the hell, people are so stuck with that so just think plants as metaphorical diamonds).

Yeah, all those that I have said might sound like bullshit or cool or whatever. This doesn’t make a good read since things are all fragmented just like my mind which is desperately trying to connect dots but instead drawing a cow with rocket thrusters on its head and a piano stuck on one of its sixteen legs.

Anyways, what I believe is that a read should not take everything on a person’s mind. A read should NOT leave a warm and fuzzy feeling making a person more knowledgeable. A read should leave a person “what the fuck” kind of cold feeling so that a person will think about it again and again. You connect the dots yourself and draw a picture you want. Make a frigging flying cow. A kind of thing which exercises your mind is good thing. But you will never see a thing if you don’t watch what you are looking at.

Enough rocketshit for now. Peace out bean sprouts and think out loud!


Now read this

My Scala Days [Week 2] and [Week 3] Condensed

Most of the materials here are excerpts from vaious resources that I have come across online as well as from ebooks. Some of the sentences are described as they are. I will try to keep all the references but please excuse me if I have... Continue →