Lies Lies Lies

I refreshed my knowledge on public key cryptography recently. I found out so many new things that I have never seen before. Some stuffs are like totally new and others are like, totally incomprehensible before, and gets as clear as a day on my revisit. I think our brain develops over time. That’s a nice thing to have.

Stupid thoughts come to my mind too. Skeptism as well as distrust in authoritative body. What if “they” are pretending to be like good guys and trying to look as if they are the middle man to ensure the integrity of messages between everything. What if they are trying to look like fighting for privacy and yet they are the biggest violators for tempering people’s communications. What if they are just doing Ship of Thesaus all the time? Sometimes, even stupid thoughts arise in my minds that my mind is just playing games or trying to make me insane? I am thinking that everything is a hoax. Everything is a nicely made up sham to fool every citizen. Ugh mann! I should just go back to my readings on PKI.


Now read this

If you want to write well, start writing crappy stuffs

This is actually dedicated to me. It should be more like “I” rather than “you” but it might help you too. I haven’t written for a long time and I realize that when I need to write something up, my writing skill is long gone and I cannot... Continue →